Welcome to the FAA Buccaneer Association web site

The Association is open to all personnel who maintained, flew or supported the Buccaneer aircraft during its service with the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy in the sixties and seventies.   Honorary President:  Rear Admiral Scott Lidbetter


An Article on the commissioning of 809 NAS at RAF Marham in December 2023 is available on the "FAABA Pictures" Drop Down Menu in the Members Area. The minutes of the AGM held on the 15th June are now available in the Members Area of the Website

Page last updated 18 October 2024


Hi Everyone, we have recently had a delivery of ten FAABA Blazer badges as a trial, the will cost £10 each + postage. If anyone who is attending Remembrance Sunday and would like one to buy please contact our Slops Representative (H Williams) at taffandangie@btinternet.com. You don't have to be attending the Remembrance Sunday event to want one, so whatever your need please contact H by email.



Dear all,

Subject: Daedalus Commemorative Stone (DCS)

Please see below the details of a commemorative stone planned to be placed at the control tower at Lee on Solent
airfield - HMS Daedalus, ex RNAS Lee on Solent.

The airfield is still active, with many visitors attending each year, but there is little to no recognition of its illustrious
past as a Naval Air Station.

This project has been initiated by the local Royal Naval Association branch, and support is requested from
associations linked to the Fleet Air Arm. Many members of the associations will have served at or visited the base
during their Fleet Air Arm careers, and it holds (mainly!) fond memories for many thousands of FAA and other

The first picture is an indication of how the Daedalus stone will look, so is included purely as an example.

The funding required for the stone and its long-term upkeep is in the region of £11k. If associations feel that they
would like to contribute, please let me know, and I will pass-on the information to Dick Hobbs.

Many thanks, and I look forward to seeing the stone in place at the airfield in due course.

Phil Carpenter

Fly Navy Federation

Proposed Commemorative Stone

Similar Completed Memorial Stone at another site

Click on image to see full size

Commemorative Stone Wording and Art work



The date for next years Reunion has been agreed with the hotel as Friday 6th to Sunday 8th June. Please mark this date in your diary if you don't want to miss all the action,

Don't miss all the pictures and 2 videos online from the this year's (2024) Reunion, see the "Photos on Web" selection on the menu to the left



Good to see all our regular friends at the RCH for the 2024 Reunion, a very good time was had by all, unfortunately we were missing some regulars due to medical or other reasons but we hope to meet up again next June (Date pending). The Windsor Suite although smaller was still enjoyed and better fitted the numbers attending; the drawback being that we didn't have enough room for the full ex-bootie Dance Band.



For the attention of all members, this year's reunion will again be held at the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry on the Weekend (Fri to Sun) 14th, 15th & 16th June.

The 2024 Reunion booking forms (Word & PDF) are now on the ‘Members Only’ part of the website for those that may not have received them (Select 2024 Reunion on the "Association Info" Drop Down Menu). The menu choices for the Friday and Saturday evenings will be sent once I have received them from the RCH.

The Word booking form is editable for you to complete, save and return to me by email. (preferred). The PDF booking form can only be downloaded, printed off, completed and either sent to me snail mail or copied to your computer and sent to me via email.

Information about the weekend is also on the website. Above all I must ask you to give me names of 8 persons for each table; we have left the names of last year's attendees in yellow to help you. I realise that some of you may like to have 10 on a table, it’s a bit of a squeeze but that’s your problem! If you are all happy I can work with last year’s table plans. This will allow me to place your menu choices alongside your names to aid the table service.

At the 2022 AGM I was asked to place the names of those attending the Reunion on the website, and this Phil Glover will do for me again; the list will be updated as further bookings are made.

If you still have them, can you please bring along your name badges which were issued last year. If not let me know.

Like last year, you will not be asked for further payment (Full Members plus one only) for the Royal Marine Band.

As always, any questions let me know soonest;  I will email Life, Full and Associate Members with updates on the reunion as required.

Kind regards




Today (8th Dec) 809 Squadron re-commissioned as the latest F35 Stealth Fighter Squadron at RAF Marham, Previous 809 CO Cdr Tim Gedge presented the latest squadron CO with the squadron plaque. For more information visit the article in the Eastern Daily Press using the link below. There is a good range of photographs by Chris Bishop.




Remember; we also have a Facebook page to assist in getting the message out to members quickly and to help attract new members; the web page will still be the main page for publishing information to members but we will usually put a link to new articles on the Facebook page. Those members who use Facebook (especially those using mobile devices) will find it easier to keep up with changes on the website through these links. The Guestbook will remain and we hope people will keep posting there, any important info from the Facebook page will be put onto the website.

You don't need to join Facebook to view this page as it is "open", Click on the link or button below to view the page, if you are a Facebook user you can post pictures or comments and use the "Like" button to create a link on your Facebook menu.




Click on the image above to view the Fly Navy Federation banner which is available for use at all FNF member events

Click on the image above to view the Buccaneer Association banner which is available for use at all FNF and Buccaneer Association events

The Buccaneer Association banner is a free standing banner approx 6 foot by 2 foot. It is available for all to use for any function they see fit, RNA or FAA dinners etc and is kept by Robin Harper. Anyone requiring this banner is responsible for arranging delivery and return and any costs associated with the loan. There is also a FNF banner (Shown above) which we have access to, same rules apply. Applications for requirements through Robin Harper.


Membership. We now have well over 450 names on our list of people interested in the association, a substantial number having dropped off as their email addresses have changed. We do keep a database of NON-MEMBERS and also one of only FULL/ASSOCIATE MEMBERS to receive information that is deemed necessary.

It is important to have up-to-date, full contact details including; address, post code and a contact telephone number in addition to an email address so we can contact you.

if you change any personal details without informing the secretary you risk being left out of receiving any information that the association may wish to send to you.

Full membership currently stands at 120. It is now £10 per year payable by Bank transfer or £50 for a five year period if paying by cheque, so please, if you are not a fully paid up member please consider joining. You can also become a Life member by paying a one off fee of £100. It is getting increasingly expensive to meet all our commitments to you, the members, with magazines, newsletters and other communication briefs etc and every penny counts with any excess being ploughed back into the Association.

Join the FAABA now: Download the membership form here, the price of annual membership was changed to £10 in January 2009 Download Form

For all applications to join or for more information please contact:-

Secretary FAABA:

Robin Harper, FAABA, 10 Harding Court, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 6TD

Email: robinh49@btinternet.com